This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 21, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the "convert" button. To show Euros and just one other currency click on any other currency.
The Euro is the currency in Andorra (AD, AND), Austria (AT, AUT), Belgium (BE, BEL), Estonia (EE, EST), Europe (EU, the European Union), Finland (FI, FIN), France (FR, FRA), Germany (DE, DEU), Greece (GR, GRC), Ireland (IE, IRL), Italy (IT, ITA), Luxembourg (LU, LUX), Latvia (LV, LVA), Monaco (MC, MCO), Malta (MT, MLT), Netherlands (NL, NLD), Portugal (PT, PRT), San Marino (SM, SMR), Slovenia (SI, SVN), Slovakia (Slovak Republic, SK, SVK), Spain (ES, ESP), Vatican City (Holy See, VA, VAT), French Guiana (GF, GUF), Guadeloupe (GP, GLP), Martinique (MQ, MTQ), and Reunion (RE, REU).
The symbol for EUR can be written €.
The Euro is divided into 100 cents.
The exchange rate for the Euro was last updated on March 20, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund.
The EUR conversion factor has 6 significant digits.
41 comments about Euros conversion
Currency Conversion Comments
This is a great calculater... i've had it for more than a year now, and i travell a lot to non-EU countries so it's very helpfull for me...
We are getting older and don't take converting money in our stride as we used to. You,therefore, provide us with an invaluable service.
This, of course, a great service. We need not worry about calculating further with the unit rates. May God bless U all who works behind this.
this is a good page for my hw project we're doing in social studies!!
This is gr8 and very cool. keep up the work
Too good...
very good,
There is a wealth of useful and interesting information in these pages. A fascinating learning tool and so easy to use.
This is too good to be true! It's easy to work with because it does the job for you.Keep up the great work !All the best
Search for one ane you get many more.
I was surprised when i opened this site. I wanted to Convert Euros to US $ but it gave me almost all countrys' conversion
There is no better converter. Period.
very practical calculator and correct!
thank you
The best converter ever seen thank you for your efforts.
Congratulations for this useful tool
Thanks for quick help!
I was searching for BAM converter and I found this. It's the best money converter I've ever seen. Keep up the good work!
A Good Tool.I appreciate the efforts put on designing this tool
In scale 1 to get 11....
The right tool for the right job, right? Thanx!
One of the best converters for currency ever found in the web ! Awesome and Exciting ! Really helpful...
Thanks for the beautiful piece of work...
Really Great
Its easy to have currency rates.
Thank you so much to whoever works behind this site
Good job
You have provided a superb educational mechanism for the children to understand foreign exchange rate.
Really Great
the best converting site i have ever seen!
easy to use the calculator
This is a grate site....
but can you tell me please 0.37 USD how much in Euro as of January 15,2007 .
I knew the value of Euro was very high against the USD.
Thank you.
Thats really nice and superb
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Thanks for all the information provided at the finger tip.
One of the G8 site i found on the web for the exchange rate...Fantastic ..the person who created this web should be appreciated
Just that.............
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it realy helps
thnx ;)
Great table ... really.
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