This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 21, 2025.
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The Bolivian Boliviano is the currency in Bolivia (BO, BOL).
The symbol for BOB can be written Bs.
The Bolivian Boliviano is divided into 100 centavos.
The exchange rate for the Bolivian Boliviano was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN.
The BOB conversion factor has 3 significant digits.
Currency Conversion Comments
I have a 50,000 Bolivian peso note dated 1984. Can you value this for me ? Thanks
i can't find out how much it's worth yet.
I'm trying to find out how I can convert this also. I need to know exactly how much it is worth, and where I may convert this.
Click on "Other resources" and read about the history and circulation history. Too bad you have pesos (not even worth $1), but if you'd have had bolivianos, you'd have about $6000. I have 1.5 million pesos. Just my luck! :)
I have a BANCO CENTRAL DE BOLIVIA bill. Says cien mil pesos bolivianos 100,000 Can yo tell me us dallar amout? Thanks shawn
I have a 10,000 1984 pesos bolivianos note (Diez Mil Pesos Bolivianos). Is this pesos or bolivianos? Also where would i be able to cash it in if it is worth something?
what is the us dollar value and where can i cash in all of my foreign money?
i have 5 million pesos from 1988? How much are they worth today
i have 2 10000 bolivian bills and was wondering if they were worth anything because they are not to good condition but they are old
Hello, I have been trying to find out what the US Dollar value is for a note that I have:
10000 Diez Mil Pesos Bolivianos from 1984,
From the Banco Central De Bolivia.
I would appreciate any information that you may have.